Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Hottest KPOP Male Idol

"So you love kpop ? Ih KPOP kan kampungan ? Are you sure u like KPOP ? So u think PSY is hot ?"

A lot of question has been asked to me about my interest to KPOP. Yes i do love it, i love the song (even though i dont understand any words they said), I love the dance, and THE BOYS.. : p

Kembali ke beberapa tahun yang lalu, musik g cuma berorientasi pada musik barat, khususnya RnB alternative. Justin Timberlake has been my "whole package". Great musician, great dancer, good sense of human,  mama's boy, oh my hottie ! (I'm still talking about music dont I ?)..

Dan dulu, setiap kali temen-temen SMA nyodorin video KPOP, I was the first one who laughed n made fun of them (mianhe).. Gak lupa, g selalu bandingin dance mereka sama dancenya Justin Timberlake.

And for now, I do regret it...

There's a few videos that makes me changed my mind about KPOP. such as Bigbang Lies, and my most Favorite KPop Video for whole time : Super Junior Sorry-Sorry. They blew my mind so sudden, just like virus.. Dan pastinya, gara-gara banyak banget bahan cuci mata, g sudah berganti-ganti bias. Most of the are typical hot guy, not the pretty or cute one.. Well, u know my type..

Tapi ingat ya kawan, we're their fan. As a fan, just be realistic. Don't act too much. Share dikit pengalaman g nonton konser KPop, g hampir dehidrasi dan mau pingsan gara-gara kegencet fans-fans fanatik. All of their fans want to see them as close as possible, but hello, we're just one of their million fans. Don't act stupid, they're not even your God. 
And what's wrong if your bias have a girlfriend ? You want them to die as single ? (Mianhe, emosi)

Ok, daripada nginget yg bkin bete, lebih baik cuci mata. So here's my top listed KPop Male idol. It based on my opinion, so I'm not interested in any kind of argument..

5. Taecyeon of 2PM

The beast idol ! Based on his look, his tall and muscular body type, his smile, n tan skin, he's totally my type. I heard a lot of bad things about him, but I just love his look. Gahar gimanaaa gitu. Dan mengingat udah  pernah liat dia dari deket, he's huge. Really huge.
Meskipun udah gk senge-fans dulu (karena rambutnya gondrong sekarang), I still love to see his manly performance. He owned it ! 

4. Doojoon of Beast

Hmm, yang pasti, setiap kali liat Beast, mata g tertuju sama dia. His charisma as a leader stands out for me. He doesnt act too much, just enough.

3. Eunhyuk of Super Junior

Aaaaa, I have a lot of things to tell u about this guy. He's actually my first crush in Kpop. A lot of people say he's not even my type. But there's something about him. Berawal dari video Sorry-Sorry dan It's You, I saw such a charisma and pretty good dancing skill.
Behind his charismatic performance, there's a goofy personalities that successfully makes my day everytime i watch him. He is one of the most entertaining person in Kpop for me :)

2. Taeyang of Bigbang

Soft and beautiful voice, incredible dance skill, well toned body, eyesmile, etc.. I have no reason not to like him.. Awalnya dari video single Wedding Dress, typical hot and badboy. Lumayan lah. Tapi saat tau seperti apa dia di Bigbang.... He has the best music sense ! 
And i just cant forget how friendly he is. Pas konser dia selalu senyum, dan selalu aktif ngehibur kita yang nonton. Even though I hate his hair now, I still like him a lot. Yong Bae aa, dougie dance please !

1. T.O.P of Bigbang

2 Bigbang members in a list ? Yeah3x.. I'm so crazy over Bigbang specially for him.. Damn ! A few months ago, I saw him on his Alive tour, along with other Bigbang Member. He talked less, smile less, interact less. A lot of people said "TOP sombong".. But. it's different to me.
I tried my best, to make him notice me, and yes, it works. Once I asked him to look at my camera, and He responded ! He slightly looked at my poor cellphone camera, and gave me his iconic gazed (i cant share the pics :s ). Luckily i didn't lose my mind. He also responded some of my "code". November 13th, one of the best day in my life !
So why I like him ? He has a charisma, and hotness explosion. And dont forget, his super duper manly voice.. I really wish i could hear his voice from a phonecall or ... his voice right after he wakes up (dreaming oh dreaming). I saw Bigbang-Lies video, and I saw someone who act like a police, and doo dooong, love struck !

I like hot guys,but i hate bad boy looks, obviously, TOP has a badass look.
I like idol who has great dancing skill, and he cant even move well.
I like a simple style for a guy, TOP changed his hair color to white, and mint green. He also has a lot of colorful outfits.
Despite all of his "flaws", I still like him A LOT !!!! Like Paramore said : My Only Exception. (sorry for being cheesy)..
Seung Hyeun aa, I want to see you again !  

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Reasons Why I Start Blogging

I don't even remember when were the first time I consider blogging.. I really loves to write actually. Tapi dikarenakan begitu aktifnya social media saat-saat itu ditambah kesibukan g yang menggunung, g bener-bener harus menunda keinginan g buat blogging..

"Lah, terus kenapa blogging sekarang ? Telat bener ? ".. Ya, kurang lebih begini alasan saya mulai nulis blog ini.. Mungkin beda sama para blogger lainnya.. tapi inilah saya, sekaligus introduksi tersirat :

1. Social Media is too Mainstream
I'm an extrovert ! I love to share whatever in my mind.. in every kinds of way.. Kalo udah ngomongin hal yg g suka, g bsa panjang lebar cerita dari akar sampai pucuk. Dari matahari terbit sampai udh mau breaking dawn  (lebay)..

Dan salah satu pelabuhan curhat g ya Twitter.. Sekarang kesannya alay banget ya ngetweet sampai beribu-ribu (tweet g sekarang udah 15.000 lebih itupun udah g delete bbrp yang rada g sesali nulisnya). Tapi gimana ya.. Twiiter is such a guilty pleasure. I can share everything in my mind without directly attract to anyone.

Awal g ngetweet itu april 2009, pas itu rata2 g gk kenal siapa2. G follow siapa g juga gak tau.. Tapi di saat itu g bisa bebas ngomongin apa yang ada di otak g, dan gak ada yang tau itu untuk siapa dan kenapa. Dan sekarang, yang follow g jg udh beda, ya, harus jaga sikap dikit lah.

Dan g jg bukan sampai kayak alay yang sehari ratusan tweet ya. I love to share something interesting..  Tapi sepertinya media itu sudah mulai membosankan. Ditambah g pernah terpaksa puasa ngetweet beberapa waktu, and hey "I'm still alive " - Bigbang Style..

So, i find my way back to blog....

2. I'm looking for something new to do..
Setelah sedikitnya sks g dan berkurangnya jatah ngampus g.. G berusaha mencari sesuatu yang baru. I prefer being busy than have nothing to do !

Meskipun udah keterima kerja sampingan, kuliah dan jualan, masih ada yang kurang ! 3 taun g berenti nulis, udah lupa cara ngeluarin ide dari otak dengan lancar... Dan, mari kembali melatih skill yang sudah lama tak dilatih.

Siapa tau, abis blogging g bsa kembali menungkatkan kemampuan menulis g...

3. Something lost !
A few weeks ago, something bad, i mean, terrible happen... I lost 4.012 songs, more than 8.000 pictures, about 150 videos, and... all my text file such as my school project, my own novel, short stories, and more... Semua gara-gara komputer g ada yang komponennya kebakar, dan perlu diganti dan diformat... akhirnya boom ! ilang dh semua harta virtual g :'(

And it means i need to totally forget about my past, and create a lot of new things.

So, hopefully this virtual things can help me to express my mind. Entah bakal cuman panas di awal kyk chicken poo, g bakal coba jadi blogger yang asik.

Mengenai banyak elemen yang belum g isi, akan g isi segera.!

So, sapa tau ada yang baca blog g dan ngerasa mirip2 sama g.. ya coba comment2... WHY YOU START BLOGGING ?